1 high waisted skirts
cute, almost effortless, but not for winter guys. you see these constantly paired with uggs... UGG! what an awful waste of a could-be date/town outfit. this brings us to our number 2...
2 uggs
UGG-LY. yes they are comfortable, and extremely popular. but this is trend oversaturation at its worst. they lack design and start to look gross after a while - over $100? no thanks.
3 black leggings as pants
yeah guys, let's stretch the dress code a little further. no one wants to see your pantyline. throw a skirt or dress on ever it - at least cover your butt!
4 i love...
statement headbands, bows and jewelry! so on my i-have-nothing-to-wear day i threw on a pair of skinnies, classic white v-neck tee, and clipped a black rose in my hair, above the ear. i also put on 2 bracelets (both of which i made) and some moccasins - still minimalistic but it worked!
that's all for now, thankfully spring is on the way bringing lovely warm weather and new trends! :) check back soon!
- alyssa
{let it rOll}
flower clip from http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=36998594&ref=sr_gallery_18&&ga_search_query=flower&ga_search_type=category&category=accessories.hair.clip&ga_page=2&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title